Safe railway crossings and intersections thanks to the SafeCross artificial intelligence.
On November 25, 2021, in Czechowice-Dziedzice, there was an introductory meeting on modern technology that increases SAFETY AT RAILWAY CROSSINGS. Among the invited guests were city authorities, representatives of the police force, deputies, senators, as well as officials and representatives of institutions that have a real impact on conducting activities aimed at minimizing dangerous road incidents with tragic consequences.
Speakers of the event: Marcin Caputa - President of the Management Board of Elmontaż Sp. z o. o., the company which, together with the University of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała, is the author of the project, Vice President of the Management Board of Elmontaż - Mrs. Anna Szklarczyk, Paweł Fałat, PhD, Eng. from the Department of Robotics and Automatics of the University of Technology and Humanities, and Rafał Szklarczyk PhD, Eng., who presented the functionality of the system by showing the detection and marking of incorrect events during test runs by the system in real time. Mr. Dariusz Izydor - Deputy Production Director who also spoke, presented the construction of the system.
It is worth mentioning that the project is co-financed by the European Union using the European Regional Development Fund under sub-measure 4.1.4 of the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020.
SafeCross is a system for monitoring, automatic classification, and systemic reporting of events at category D railway crossings and dangerous intersections with a stop sign. It warns drivers about approaching a dangerous place marked with a stop sign, and also monitors and records events related to cars crossing railway tracks. Thanks to the artificial intelligence module, it automatically analyses and reports disturbing and abnormal events, without the need to involve the human factor in the process.
During the discussion, questions were asked, among others, about the application of the system and the time frame of commencing its operation. SafeCross has been tested both at railway crossings and intersections, and as of now it can be implemented and adapted to the needs of institutions managing infrastructure and security.
The statistics of accidents at railway crossings sound the alarm every year. Despite the fact that representatives of PKP (Polish National Railways), the police and other services carry out awareness-raising campaigns, the number of incidents still remain high. Every day, drivers enter the tracks without stopping in accordance with the traffic signs, thus putting their health and life at risk, as well as the safety of people travelling by rail. In Poland, category D crossings, i.e. without tollgates or traffic lights, account for over 55% of all railway crossings. This is where most accidents happen.
Our safety is in the hands of infrastructure managers, road users and city officials. Please contact our company for more details.
Name of the beneficiary: Elmontaż Sp. z o.o. - Leader of the Consortium, University of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała - Consortium member. Project value: PLN 7,306,950.88. Co-financing value: PLN 4,855,771.12. Implementation period 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2023. The project is co-financed by the European Union using the European Regional Development Fund under sub-measure 4.1.4 of the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020. The project is implemented as part of the contest of the National Center for Research and Development 1/4.1.4/Application projects
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34-300 Żywiec -
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